Gags Gifts

Gifts for Gags

Parody Candles

Yankme parody candles are the realistic answers to scents you can never make heads or tails of. W...


 0 saves    687

Nature's Dick Pics Cal...

Celebrate each month with new, fantastically phallic image with nature's dick pics. Every mo...


 0 saves    130

Chicken Leg Socks

Update your wardrobe with the newest trend in feathery fashions with a pair of chicken leg socks....


 0 saves    416

Celebrity Prayer Candles

If your friend worships at the altar of Britney Spears or Snoop Dogg, get them a candle to bring ...


 0 saves    553

Personalized Potato Parcels

Everything's coming up spuds for your friend who just got the best delivery of their life. W...


 0 saves    364

Butt Shaped Pillows

Butts are the truest and most natural stress relievers. Slap them, squeeze them, bury your face i...


 0 saves    407

Monopoly for Millennials Bo...

Don't get the crumbs from your avocado toast on the game board, you'd hate for the mice...


 0 saves    156

Wingardium Leviosa Floating...

Remember your swish and flick when you go to charm your friend with this Harry Potter themed gift...


 0 saves    101

Baguette Slippers

Your feet will be feeling gouda when tucked into a pair of baguette slippers. You'll brie ov...


 0 saves    570